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Risk Mitigations for Aviation Operators During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Updated: Feb 20, 2024

The COVID-19 pandemic has more than likely impacted society for years to come. To say that this pandemic is unprecedented in our lifetimes has

become a bit cliche. Nonetheless, facing a widespread - potentially devastating - disease and the resulting impact on society and economies is something that we have never faced, or hope to face again, in our lives. All politics aside, countries have worked hard to protect their citizens while also trying to lessen the economic devastation. The world will get through this, and hopefully will be better on the other side, but we still have some navigating to do until the end is realized.

One facet of this pandemic in the social media age has been all the information and misinformation concerning the virus. The myriad of “expert” resources have left individuals and organizations confused about how to continue the business, if possible, or at the very least protect others. This is truly the well-know dilemma of the two P's (production vs. protection) on a macro scale. The mantra for the last few months, and rightfully so, at the advice of the CDC, has been avoidance. In regards to travel, if it isn’t absolutely essential, then don’t do it. However, in the foreseeable future, the skies will open up again as the aviation system starts churning back towards pre-COVID levels. During this ramp-up, organizations will still have to navigate some facets of the COVID virus. Therefore, Baldwin Safety and Compliance want to help with accurate information sources to help control the risk.

Baldwin has put together a small resource guide for business aviation flight departments to help them navigate this new environment smartly. While this is not a “go/no-go” risk assessment, which would not be accurate in such a fluid environment with a not-yet-fully-understood contagion, it is a tool with information to consider sourced from reliable organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC), the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and many others. This guide covers topics ranging from moving crew members on commercial flights to recommendations for crew during off days. Additionally, there are many links to resources on crew and passenger protection, signs to alert the crew of infection, and disinfecting aircraft to name a few. This guide can be downloaded HERE. It is our hope that this guide can help keep flight departments safe during this challenging time and through recovery. We wish all well and that all will stay safe.



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